<—alle Themen


Abb.1 Marcel Duchamp - Anemic Cinema, Film, 1926

Max Bill, 1938

Ugo Rondinone, um 2000

Bridged Riley, Blaze 1, 1962, Emulsion on Hardboard, 43x43 in.
Manfred Mohr, "sphereless", plotter drawing ink on paper, 50cm x 50cm, 1972,
frühe Computergraphik. ( About the algorithm: A matrix of signs is projected onto
a sphere. The signs are random subsets of the four lines of a square and its two

> > click movie

Thomas Bayrle, „Hochamt“: Sternmotor, gewandelt. 2011
unterlegt mit Motorengeräusch und leisen Rosenkranz betenden Stimmen
gezeigt an der documenta 13 in Kassel 2012

> > click img
Rafael Rozendaal, Sadforjapan

Abb.6 Monica Studer / Christoph van den Berg, T.R.I.P. 2009
Abb.7 Manuel Tan, Spinner, 2010